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Ministry Lines of Credit 

If your ministry is experiencing a downturn in donations or needs short-term capital, a line of credit from the Credit Union can help. We offer secured and unsecured loan options at competitive rates. Our Ministry Line of Credit programs are designed to help you weather the seasonal cash flow ups and downs of ministry.  

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Ministry Lines of Credit

  • Choice of Secured or Unsecured Lines of Credit 
  • Competitive variable rates 
  • Zero points
  • Terms of up to 5 years if secured, annual if unsecured  
  • No pre-payment penalties 

Additional Services

We offer an array of online banking solutions and financial services for ministries of all sizes.

Explore our other Ministry Loan Options


What documents do I need to get started with a ministry loan? 

You’ll need at least the last three years of financial statements. This includes Income statements and balance sheets. You’ll also need to include current year-to-date financials.  These documents help us to prequalify a church for a loan. 

It’s also a good idea to include the articles of incorporation and/or bylaws. These documents can help your ministry qualify for membership.  If these documents look good, then we’ll need a complete application package from you.  Here are some tips to help you get started

What are your Ministry Rates? 

Click here to find our Ministry Rates