Christian Community Credit Union Donates $5,000 For Hurricane Ian Relief
October 11, 2022

Christian Community Credit Union (CCCU) donated $5,000 to American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) disaster relief effort in response to the devastation left by Hurricane Ian in Florida and other southern states. The unimaginable levels of destruction have led to the loss of lives, hundreds of homes destroyed, and the displacement of thousands of residents.
“We pray for God’s provision and comfort to those impacted by this catastrophe,” said Blair Korschun, Christian Community Credit Union President and CEO. “We invite others to join in sharing Christ’s love to the residents in Florida through ABHMS’ rescue and recovery efforts. Many are in dire need of resources as they face an insurmountable challenge rebuilding their lives and their homes.”
The funds for the donation come from CCCU’s “Cards that Give to Missions” program, in which a portion of the Credit Union’s interchange income (fees merchants pay to card issuers) is donated when cardholders use their Christian Community Credit Union-issued credit cards for purchases. To date, CCCU has given over $6 million to Christian causes.
“We are deeply appreciative of Christian Community Credit Union’s generous gift of $5,000 to American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ One Great Hour of Sharing campaign supporting Florida and other states devastated by Hurricane Ian,” says Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Executive Director of ABHMS. “This donation represents the continuous support and partnership with CCCU and its staff which helps advance ABHMS’ efforts in assisting various communities in times of need.”
Help Support ABHMS’ Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief Effort
To donate online towards ABHMS’ relief and recovery effort, please click here. For check donations, please designate to “OGHS Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts 2022” and mail to ABHMS Office of Development care of Kim Wilkins, 1075 First Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406.
American Baptist Home Mission Societies partners with American Baptists to promote Christian faith, cultivate Christ-centered leaders and disciples and bring healing and transformation to communities across the United States and Puerto Rico. One Great Hour of Sharing is administered by the World Relief Committee of the Board of General Ministries of American Baptist Churches USA. The committee facilitates American Baptist emergency relief, disaster rehabilitation, refugee work and development assistance by establishing policy guidelines and overseeing distribution of the annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering received by churches.
Christian Community Credit Union has over $880 million in assets and 29,000 members nationwide. For over 68 years, the Credit Union has served as a financial partner of Christian ministries, churches, and their members.